Sitting on the floor, we watched as her daughters, age 3 and age 4, traced and colored in preschool workbooks. My visit with Aishya was similar to my other visits: we sat on the floor, the children colored and played, and we chatted while enjoying a mango-flavored …
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Creative Connections
God has used many miraculous ways to connect me with the Rohingya, including the “green way”- meaning with plants. Eshmael has disappeared from my online literacy class and only told me a month later he was unwell with excruciating gastric pain. I was in my hometown and told him I would bring him …
Faith Comes by Hearing
Today, Myanmar faces many challenges. Political unrest and increasing religious persecution have taken a toll. People are at their limits. The needs there are great— spiritual ones included. A local friend recently told me, “There is widespread hunger for the Word of God in this land.” Many …