There is a whole host of articles, videos, and reports, covering a range of opinions, that document the Rohingya situation. Below are links to a few articles and videos that we have found insightful.
With articles and documentaries being created every month, it is difficult to keep this section up-to-date. Please note that the content does not necessarily represent the views of the editorial team.
Why is the world silent?
Nicholas Kristof travels to Myanmar, where Muslims are confined to camps or within their own villages, deprived of jobs, schools and doctors.
Brief overview on desperate situation of Rohingya (2012)
Stateless Rohingya: running on empty
Suthep Kritsanavarin, a leading photojournalist from Thailand (2012)
Muslim Rohingya flee violence in Burma
Documentary about violence in May 2012
Stateless Rohingya in India
- (2014): Stateless R in India
- (2012) Exiled to nowhere by Greg Constantine.Has pictures with a R man singing in the background.
- (2013) Part 2. Reporters fromGoodmorningbeautifulfilms travel to the Burma/Bangladesh border region to investigate the ongoing human rights abuses against the R minority that live in the region. Refused citizenship from both Burma and Bangladesh, these people are left stateless and with little opportunity for a positive future.
- (2013). Burma and Muslim Priorities (mosque sermon given in CA).
Fortify Rights
Rohingya Blogger
Human Rights Watch
Irrawaddy News
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