My approach to serving may not be the easiest way to enter into meaningful relationships with Rohingya families – but it certainly is worthwhile, fruitful, and such a privilege. I remain thankful, even when it is difficult and exhausting, and when I would love to be sleeping instead! He gives me strength, love that overcomes, and resources enough!
This is how it all began. In thinking about the Rohingya, images in my mind of a fatal postpartum haemorrhage or a lifeless newborn would not allow me to rest. It bothered me that fear of incrimination, lack of money for heavy hospital bills, and possible unfair or harsh treatment rob many Rohingya of healthy pregnancies, safe labour and birth, and possibly even of the FAMILY that is one the few possessions they have! My background in midwifery suddenly flooded my thoughts with ideas of how I could help Rohingya mums and bring change to these sad stories by being present to love and help.
I started with just ONE family, no heart-language translator, and God on my side! It was joy unspeakable to serve her during her labour and birth. Since then, what a ride it has been! With ever-increasing numbers, unending opportunities to love and care, and growing hope, we serve, educate, advise, and assist more than 100 families (on our records) at any given time. Day and night, we are challenged to show them JESUS – against our flesh (especially in the wee hours of the night!), our lack of human and financial resources, and the desperate need for heart-language communication. But God makes ways possible as we give Him our YES!
My cup overflows and God is definitely at work as I spend many hours with labouring mums and often panicky fathers. We have time to talk about deep matters and share hope for the future. The love of my Father enables me to comfort and assist in ways I never dreamt possible – and to bring home so many beautiful, healthy infants. Our hope is always to introduce truth, eternal HOPE, and light into darkness as He gives opportunity! But the opportunity to show them His love is more than enough until then.
I am so grateful for the help of another Midwife/Doula, but we are believing for more helpers. God is responsible for the increase, the outcomes, and the dreams He has for our precious Rohingya families that He has blessed us with.
- Pray for more midwives/doulas to join us in this joy and adventure.
- Pray that His character and love would shine through us at all hours;
- Pray for the safety and health of Rohingya giving birth in unideal circumstances;
- Pray for the Rohingya to know eternal hope and true life;