The Rohingya have fled not only to Malaysia but also to Bangladesh. The UNHCR estimates over 200,000 Rohingya are living in refugee-like situations in Bangladesh, but the Bangladesh government estimates 300,000-500,000. Last year Burt met Fahim and his family living in a small enclave near the port city of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Fahim had recently accepted Jesus as Messiah and was now hosting a secret group of other Rohingya believers and seekers in his home. Fahim told Burt his son was working in Malaysia and wondered if Burt knew him. Burt was skeptical since there are over 300,000 Raja living there. But as they talked, Burt realized he had indeed met Fahim’s son, Bashar, in a group in Malaysia where Burt shares Bible stories. Only God could bring about such a meeting! The next week, when Burt went to the storying group, Bashar was there. Burt showed Bashar a video of his father and grandmother, and gave Bashar a package from the family. That week Burt shared the story about the baptism of Jesus. Afterwards, Burt asked Bashar if he understood that his father had also become a follower of Jesus and had been baptized. Bashar knew of his father’s decision, but wanted to know more about it. Burt shared with him over the next few weeks and eventually Bashar prayed to receive Jesus.
Prayer points:
- Pray Bashar will come to complete understanding about his new life in Christ and follow through with baptism.
- Rohingya face many temptations while in Malaysia. Pray Bashar will be protected from these temptations and will truly seek the Lord.
- Praise God for entwining these lives together for his Word to go forth.
- Pray more Rohingya will accept Him as Savior wherever they are living.