Class finished and Aziz buckled his youngest daughter into her car seat. He is the proud father of four daughters, now living in the Midwest of the USA. Through my role as an ESL teacher, I had the …
Healthcare: Breaking Down the Barriers
Salman's one-year old son is sick. He has a fever and has refused to eat for weeks. The local clinic in the village is not equipped to care for such a case; the baby needs to go to the hospital …
With a smile on her face, Hassina tells me that all her nine grandchildren live in the camp. When she fled to Bangladesh a number of years ago Hassina left behind some of her family – now they are all …
Hoping For a Better Future
Zara looks at me with watery eyes. “I read things about the Rohingya,” she says. Her tears start to flow, and she looks away. “I watch videos of what is happening to my people.” Zara is thirteen, …
A Place for You
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if …
The Artist Who Couldn’t Paint
Ismael guesses he’s 80 something years old; he doesn't know his exact birthdate. He tells us how as a child he loved to paint, and when he was 12 years old he had travelled from his small village to …